Crash on the road? Call mobile mechanic

On the roads we come across various situations. They move different drivers, also you who do not fully comply with ordinances of road traffic. For this reason maybe there are many accidents - verifies this is pomoc drogowa Kraków. Any of us have a duty right to prepare for such an event. In the event of an accident, we will have an idea what to do to in order to get compensation, as well as and other privileges.

The result of this must there is no obligation to call the police. At that time just important turns out to write a statement from point of the event. Must stay it confirmed by 2 drivers. A police call is made at moment when during a given accident a fire brigade, ambulance is called. Also, when were injured persons, whether to a crime was committed. Also when when the driver does not letters, insurance. If we will call the police at such a moment, then they will could to find out who is the perpetrator of event.
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